First, Happy Mother’s Day to all the mom-figures out there. I know for some, this day can be relaxing, exciting, but also upsetting for some. I never really fully understood this until I became a mom myself. So however you feel about the day, I see you.
It’s been a wild ride being a mom of two for the past seven years. I haven’t really mastered anything and I am still learning. Which I now feel totally fine with. At first, I wanted to read all the books and blogs. When Noah was born, for the first year, I definitely was striving for “perfection”. Whatever that means. Now, I am like, meh, I will figure it out along the way. Because honestly, every stage feels so different. Noah and Mila are so different. There is no formula to figuring it out. I think I have finally come to terms with that now, it’s ok not to know it all.
Now that we are finally out of diapers and entering school age, it’s like learning a whole new world of motherhood. From babies to full blown kids. It’s filled with lessons, homework, school events, etc. It’s been so BUSY. I am sure some of you feel me. It’s been non-stop. Although, I think it’s so fun watching them discover their interests, likes and develop friendships.
One thing I am loving is that we are really trying to slow down the weekends (or at least try). We have been dedicating Friday night to pizza night (with as less screen time as possible) and making a dinner on Sundays. A big goal of mine personally is putting the phone down. Obviously my work is being on the phone. But, not on the weekends. I really do try to disconnect.
I think if I were to try to describe in one word what my motherhood is right now, it would be “undisturbed”. I am trying not to let all the small stuff bother me. I pick my battles. Whether that is having a messy home or an unmatched, crown wearing Mila. Ha!
I’d love to hear what word describes your motherhood right now! Let me know or you can always DM me 🙂
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